Patches Yamaha Thr10

Patches Yamaha Thr10

As a very enthused proponent of the Yamaha THR10 series of amps, I have been asked about some of my settings. I tend not to use any of the overdrive models as they are just too gainy for my taste. But I have developed some drive settings that I absolutely love the tone of. I like a cleaner tone and also a mild overdrive tone, with plenty of compression dialed in. You might try these to see how you like them. So, here are my three favorite settings with the THR10. Novel The Fault In Our Stars Pdf Bahasa Indonesia on this page. Note that they all begin with the model selector on the BASS amp setting.

You need to use the editor app to access some of these controls. Serial Stories Lady Swings more. Then save them to the presets on the top of the amp for ready access. With these settings, my guitar's volume and tone pots are usually dimed. Adobe Photoshop Cs5 Camera Raw Plugin Free Download Mac. Don't use Gain or Master to control loudness of the speakers.

Yamaha THR10/5 patch sharing site Discussion in '. Cashflow 101 Y 202 Download Chrome. On the Yamaha website downloads section.

Use the 'Guitar' volume control, on the far right of the amp, to adjust the loudness level of the amp in the room. If you have some particular favorite settings on your THR, please share them in this thread. I should be sharing some, not sure is settings for THR10C would work for you guys but you can try. I was on the fence on selling the amp, mostly for the issues I have with the eq. For instance, if you go on any setting from 75% to a 100, the change is not a subtle one, I find myself turning the treble at less than 50%, my point is, the eq does not feel natural to me, the sounds can be good but you need to work with it.

The editor keeps me interested in working with it. Clipper Valkyrie 5 Download. So, here is were this amp gets really useful for me, I do all my work on Cubase, very easy to use BTW, if you only have one interface as an i/o being the Yamaha, it is even easier. All of my loops are done with EZdrummer, so at the wee hours I can use the headphone out from the Yamaha to monitor everything that is going on Cubase, drums, keys, bass and guitar, this is beyond useful, and for that reason alone I am going to keep it, for now.